See What They’re Saying

Learn How Jennifer Judelsohn, LCSW, Has Helped Her Clients Change Course And Heal

Transform Your Life

Critical Decisions in a Time When I Needed Help

“I started seeing Jennifer when my marriage was ending. My wife told me that we needed to separate and I really did not understand what was going on. My world was turning upside-down.

At the time, I was seeing another therapist. At one session he said to me, “You need to develop your support network” or something like that. My response was, I thought that was why I was seeing you.”

Shortly after that conversation, I spoke to Jennifer. She asked real and practical questions: “Are you eating? How is your sleeping? Are you drinking too much? How are you taking care of yourself?” I switched therapists immediately.

Jennifer was my therapist for about 3 years. She helped me make big, critical decisions in a time when I needed help:
“Should I stay in my house or move out?”  I stayed—and it was the right decision.

“What kind of custody should I have with my children?”  Full shared custody. It’s 8 years later, and my children are doing great.

I am aware of the choices I make. And I can be confronted with my fears and see them for what they are. I have found my spirituality—a combination of Taoism, Buddhism, and Judaism. But it all comes together in an authentic way. I am open to the divine and embrace the opportunities and messages he presents.

Through the experience I found myself and came into my own. I am happier now than I can ever remember being. I have centeredness even amongst constant change and challenges.”

— Larry H.

Counseling for Healing and Meaning through Creative Endeavors

“When cruising along through life and something unexpected blindsides you, shakes your foundation to the core, how do you transform and make sense of the experience?

When best laid plans collapse for no apparent reason, people disappoint, and your personal world spins off its axis, Soulworks is a good place to sift through the wreckage to see what shards can be salvaged and reflect on the meaning of your own personal narrative.

Jennifer guides clients trying to make sense of senselessness, re-examine and reconstruct their lives.

Soulworks is a form of counseling that is healing for people not seeking medication or who may already have good coping strategies. Healing and meaning can be elicited through prisms of art, images, religion and spirituality, speaking, and other creative, reflective endeavors.”

— Mika J.

Jennifer Saved My Life. Here’s How:

When cruising along through life and something unexpected blindsides you, shakes your foundation to the core, how do you transform and make sense of the experience?

When best laid plans collapse for no apparent reason, people disappoint, and your personal world spins off its axis, Soulworks is a good place to sift through the wreckage to see what shards can be salvaged and reflect on the meaning of your own personal narrative.

Jennifer guides clients trying to make sense of senselessness, re-examine and reconstruct their lives.

Soulworks is a form of counseling that is healing for people not seeking medication or who may already have good coping strategies. Healing and meaning can be elicited through prisms of art, images, religion and spirituality, speaking, and other creative, reflective endeavors.

— Mary C.

Highly Effective in Teaching Me to Live Life with Happiness and Joy

Working with Jennifer is quite an experience. While I thought some of her methods were a little odd at first, I quickly learned that they are highly effective, and even fun.

Jennifer taught me to find a calmness within and to listen to my body and spirit. Using techniques she’s taught me, I’ve gone from horrible crisis to completing a graduate degree and achieving other difficult personal goals. I’ve gone from being stressed out to learning to live my life with happiness and joy. I’m not all the way to where I want to be, but each day, I use what I’ve learned from her to help me get another step closer.

— John W.

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Get In Touch With Jennifer Judelsohn, LCSW So You Can Start Healing Today