Jewish & Spiritual Education


Expand Your Mind

Embrace Interfaith Exploration

Guiding Your Journey

Welcome to the world of interfaith exploration and spiritual growth with Jennifer. With a heart full of compassion and a mind brimming with knowledge, Jennifer has been a beacon of light in the realms of Judaism, Jewish education, and spirituality for years. She’s not just a therapist; she’s your guide on a journey through the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions.

Spiritual Leadership

Jennifer develops and leads classes, workshops, seminars, and other programs on a variety of subjects relating to Judaism, Jewish education, and spirituality around the United States at multiple CAJE conferences including CAJE (2003-2011), Women’s League for Conservative Judaism–Seaboard Chapter (2004), and ALEPH Kallah (2005), and Limmud conferences (2003 and 2005) in England. 

Beyond The Everyday

Open Your Heart

Healing Together

She also presents numerous sessions on spirituality and psychotherapy, art therapy, and other topics at international conferences of the U.S. and Canadian Societies for Spirituality and Social Work. Additional presentations and workshops include “Sacred Circles” at the National Cathedral and presentations on the mandala process, conference presentations on art and healing, and others.

She has led a group of seventh grade students from Kehillat Shalom Congregation in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in writing and winning a grant from Jewish Youth Philanthropy Institute for pilot program that brought together local Jewish, Christian, and Muslim teens for a discussion and program hosted by Kehillat Shalom (2006). 

Leading A Community

Jennifer won a CAJE Grant for Innovation in Jewish Education for the “Children of Abraham” program, which brought together middle school students from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic communities in Montgomery County, Maryland, for discussions and activities (2007). She made a presentation about the program at the 2007 CAJE Conference in St. Louis. She conceptualized and led community Women’s Seders from 1998 through 2006, including creating haggadot; she presented a three-part workshop about this experience at the 2005 Limmud conference in Nottingham, England. She presents talks on “Judaism 101” to non-Jewish organizations such as church groups.

Uniting Different Perspectives

Discover Wisdom

Reach Out to Jennifer Judelsohn, LCSW to Learn Profound Perspectives of Our Past